Girl Falling is an Australian short film directed by Millie Rose Heywood, starring Ellie Gall as Sarah. Sarah, shy and innocent from a small country town, is desperate to find true love. When new kid Ben rolls into town, she might just have her chance. But a betrayal from those closest leads to devastating consequences that will shatter her world, calling into question everything she had imagined for her future. Directed and Written by Millie Rose Heywood Cinematography by Velinda Wardell ACS
"Working with Velinda was pure magic. I’ve never met a cinematographer with such innate sensitivity and subtlety in her work, and a beautiful and genuine approach to capturing the story.
Everything flows, nothing is forced. She has an intuitive ability to capture actors in their most vulnerable and beautiful moments, finding the magic between the lines. On the set of "Girl Falling", amidst the often tumultuous environment of a short film production, she always found a way to get me the shots that I needed, and never let me compromise the integrity of my story.
Her professionalism and work ethic are second to none, and her commitment to the creation of beautiful films, seeing everything through to the last detail, make her an undeniable asset to the industry. I cannot wait to work with her again, she is definitely my go-to cinematographer."Millie Rose Heywood - Director